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Stolen Body from Harvard Medical School Morgue Leaves Children Desperate to Reclaim Mother’s Remains

The Pichowicz family, consisting of Nick's wife Joan and their children, is now desperate to reclaim their mother's remains from the Harvard Medical School morgue. (Photo: People)
The Pichowicz family, consisting of Nick's wife Joan and their children, is now desperate to reclaim their mother's remains from the Harvard Medical School morgue. (Photo: People)

The family of Nick Pichowicz has discovered that his body, which was donated to Harvard Medical School for scientific research and education, has been stolen from the Harvard Medical School morgue.

The family of Nick Pichowicz and and his wife, Joan is now desperate to reclaim the remains of their mother from Harvard Medical School morgue. (Photo: CBC)

The family of Nick Pichowicz and his wife, Joan, is now desperate to reclaim their mother’s remains from the Harvard Medical School morgue. (Photo: CBC)

Harvard Medical School Morgue Scandal

The family of Nick Pichowicz is grappling with the theft of their father’s body from the Harvard Medical School morgue.

The Pichowicz family, consisting of Nick’s wife Joan and their children, is now desperate to reclaim their mother’s remains, as well, PEOPLE reported.

After Nick’s passing in 2019, his remains were dedicated to Harvard Medical School for scientific research and education, as per his wish. However, the family recently discovered that his name appears on a list maintained by The United States Attorney’s Office, documenting stolen human remains connected to an alleged multi-state organ and cadaver-selling scheme.

According to prosecutors, Cedric Lodge, the former manager of the morgue at the Anatomical Gifts Program, is accused of selling the stolen human remains on the black market between 2018 and March of this year.

Shockingly, Lodge allegedly invited buyers to the morgue to inspect body parts before scheduled cremations, or he shipped the remains across state lines. The indictment reveals disturbing details, such as the search for human skin to be tanned into leather.

Denise Lodge, Cedric Lodge’s wife, is implicated in facilitating sales through phone and social media interactions. Payments allegedly made by Joshua Taylor, including transactions for specific body parts, were accepted by Denise Lodge over PayPal.

Several other individuals, including Katrina Maclean, Mathew Lampi, Jeremy Pauley, and Candace Chapman Scott, are also facing charges related to the conspiracy and interstate transport of stolen goods. The severity of the charges could lead to a maximum prison sentence of 15 years if the accused are found guilty.

United States Attorney Gerard M. Karam expressed his dismay, stating that the theft and trafficking of humans remain strike at the very core of humanity. It is particularly troubling considering that many victims willingly donated their bodies to advance medical education and scientific knowledge.

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Family Desperately Wants to Reclaim Remains from Harvard Medical School Morgue

Nick and Joan Pichowicz, who spent 66 years together and dedicated their lives to law enforcement, were deeply committed to helping others, even in death.

Joan, known for her compassion and willingness to assist those in need, wished to join her husband at Harvard Medical School after passing.

However, the family’s efforts to reclaim her body have been met with silence from the school, leaving them longing for closure and the opportunity to lay their mother to rest beside their father.

The incident has left them feeling betrayed, saddened, and infuriated by the actions of the individuals involved and the apparent lack of security measures at the renowned institution.

Nick Pichowicz, a lifelong learner and former deputy sheriff, held Harvard Medical School in high regard. He and Joan shared a desire to donate their bodies to science in order to help others.

The Pichowicz family, devastated by the situation, made multiple calls to confirm if their father’s remains were among those stolen. Their hope against hope was shattered as they received confirmation that their father’s body was indeed taken.

The family’s faith in the cause their parents held dear has been shattered. They believe that Harvard should have implemented stricter security measures, oversight, and protocols to safeguard the bodies entrusted to them.

The Pichowicz family and others who believed in the noble purpose of donating their loved ones remains for the betterment of society now find themselves questioning the integrity of the system.

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