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House Committee Says U.S. Should Stop Hurting Itself, Cut Ties with China

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The House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) advises American businesses and lawmakers to end commercial ties with China.

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House Committee to Reduce U.S. Reliance on China, Urging Immediate Action

They proposed 150 ways to reduce American businesses’ and lawmakers’ China dependence. The committee emphasizes China’s extraordinary economic interdependence, necessitating a complete rethink of U.S. economic involvement with China. Strong economic engagement led to a multidecade campaign of economic aggression against the U.S. and its allies, not economic openness and political liberalization.

Ban TikTok and promoting “buy American” in government health systems are among the committee’s recommendations to drive bipartisan action next year. In its first year, the committee’s nonpartisan work displayed principled compromise without abandoning core convictions.

The advice emphasizes resetting, preventing, and building. Adjusting U.S.-China relations, protecting and investing in American innovation, and building supply chain resilience with allies are needed. The report encourages the U.S. to immediately halt funding China’s military modernization and human rights abuses.

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Report Warns of China’s Tech Spying, Calls for Tougher Security Laws

According to the committee’s inquiry, China’s use of American technology to eavesdrop is concerning. The paper suggests rules allowing the president to ban foreign-owned quantum computing, biotechnology, AI, autonomous systems, and surveillance technology exports.

We must shift course. Increase U.S. investment, diminish China’s influence, and deepen allies. The suggestions aim to reduce U.S.-China risk and improve GDP. The committee will acknowledge China’s rule-breaking, address consequences, and urge military and economic independence from China.

READ ALSO: House panel demands US ‘stop digging our own grave,’ detach from China

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