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News On Middle East Conflict Reveals Pentagon Provides Air Defense, Boosts Carrier Strike Group To Israel

Pentagon Assists Israel in Middle East Conflict [Photo: Britannica]
Pentagon Assists Israel in Middle East Conflict [Photo: Britannica]

The Pentagon has the authority, resources, and funding needed to counter the attack by Hamas terrorists. Accordingly, the Pentagon provided Israel with ammunition and air defense and is preparing to boost the carrier strike group deployed for the Middle East conflict.

Middle East Conflict [Photo: Mint]

Middle East Conflict [Photo: Mint]

On October 9, an official of the U.S. Department of Defense stated that The Pentagon provided different types of ammunition and air defense to assist Israel amidst the Middle East conflict. In addition, The Pentagon is also preparing to station additional support for the carrier strike group USS Gerald R. Ford which was deployed for the Middle East conflict last October 8.

According to Copp, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the deployment of Ford hours after Hamas, a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic organization, launched an ambush attack on Israel that has killed an estimate of more than 900 Israelis. Further reports say a surface ship from Greece will also be added to the Ford carrier strike group for the Middle East conflict.

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Carrier Strike Group in Middle East Conflict

According to Laco, the Ford carrier strike group is a naval force with a fleet of support ships and an aircraft carrier in its center. Reports say among the U.S.’ 11 carrier strike groups, the Ford is the Navy’s most recent and most advanced aircraft carrier.

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