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Up To $800 Billion California Reparations: What You Need to Know!

California Reparations
Up To $800 Billion California Reparations (PHOTO: The New York Times)

In California, after generations of discriminatory policies for Black residents, the state is moving forward to aid and compensate Black residents through California reparations.

California Reparations

Up To $800 Billion California Reparations (PHOTO: The New York Times)

California Reparations To Black Residents

California reparations task force voted to approve recommendations on Saturday. A committee that convened nearly two years ago is composed of 9 members, who approved a list of proposals during their meeting.

The approved proposals are far from the approved policy, the vote is a crucial moment for the fight against discriminatory policies on the federal, state, and local levels, that are running for generations.

Recommendations are already on the state lawmakers table and it is up to them to consider those reparations. Economists have estimated how much would reparations cost. Some economists say California state could owe roughly $800 billion.

This estimation doesn’t include the recommended $1 million for Black residents who are older and have disparities in healthcare that are responsible for shortening their average life span, but also for those properties who was taken unfairly by the government.

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What Was Recommended in the California Reparations?

A range of policy proposals was recommended by the task force, it includes creating an agency to handle all the claims and compensation and if possible provide a downpayment for those eligible, and also how to calculate the amount of California reparations that the state owes to its Black residents.

Here are possible estimates that the task force has also created according to USA Today:

  • $13,619 every year of residency, for harm caused by health care disparities, and based on a 71-year life expectancy
  • $115,260 or $2,352 for mass incarceration, for each year of residency in Califonia within 49 years, and over-policing of Black communities
  • $148,099 0r $3,366 for discriminatory housing policies, and each year between 1933 and 1977 as a California resident.

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