St. Louis’ Guaranteed Basic Income Program Under Fire: Is it Constitutional?
Will Low-Income Families Lose Lifeline Payment or Will the Program Survive the Lawsuit?
According to Businessinsider, Two Americans in St. Louis are suing to stop the city’s program that gives $500 a month to low-income families. They think it’s against the state’s constitution. The Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) program has been giving money to 540 families for 18 months.
Some Americans like the program because it helps families pay for things they need, like housing and food. But others don’t like it because they think it’s not fair to use public money to help individual Americans. They believe it could also make Americans rely too much on government help.

St. Louis GBI Lawsuit May Have Far-Reaching Consequences for Low-Income Families Nationwide (PHOTOT: GOOGLE)
GBI Programs Across the Country in Jeopardy: Awaiting the Outcome of St. Louis’ Constitutional Challenge
This is not the only place with a GBI program. There are similar programs in other cities and states. The outcome of these lawsuits could affect whether these programs can continue. Some Americans think GBI can help low-income families, while others don’t agree.