The murder of a 14-year-old boy who was schooling at Porter High School has the neighborhood and family members alarmed. The shot teenager resided...
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The murder of a 14-year-old boy who was schooling at Porter High School has the neighborhood and family members alarmed. The shot teenager resided...
Once a rising Democrat following his induction at mere 23 years old, an ex-Massachusetts mayor was sentenced to six years of being taken into...
One Arkansas man filed a lawsuit against a doctor who just performed an abortion in Texas. The act is currently regarded as illegal as...
Police officials are probing into an alleged suicide incident in Yonkers that caused the lives of two individuals. Preliminary data indicated that according to...
A pervading fire was ignited through Ponderosa Pet Resort and an estimated 75 dogs were killed in the establishment. The fatal incident transpired in...
A Michigan father of a 7-year-old girl has filed a lawsuit worth $1 million against his daughter’s former school district. He alleged constitutional rights...
A Van Buren man was sentenced on Thursday to 30 years worth of jail time after one decade of special parole. He was arraigned...
The biggest school district in Arkansas has halted its mask guidelines. As of now, Arkansas recorded 28 new COVID-19 fatalities. On Tuesday, the Springdale...
After being acquitted through DNA evidence for a murder he did not perpetrate, one man who evaded death row in Louisiana in 2012 has...
At least seven states in the United States have recorded fatalities from the West Nile Virus. The Westa mosquito-borne disease was transmitted to...