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San Diego Marine Accused of Sexually Assaulting a Girl Who Allegedly Has Learning Disabilities

San Diego Marine
San Diego Marine will face a sexual assault charge and with prior and unrelated violation of liberty restriction. (Photo: NewYorkPost)

San Diego Marine who has no disclosed identity aside from his gender will face a sexual assault charge of a 14-year-old girl with alleged learning disabilities inside a barracks. The San Diego Marine was also charged with prior and unrelated violation of liberty restriction.

San Diego Marine

San Diego Marine will face a sexual assault charge together with prior and unrelated violation of liberty restriction. (Photo: NewYorkPost)

San Diego Marine Met the Girl Through a Sex Trafficker?

A report from Military Times revealed that the San Diego Marine’s case entails the girl running away from home on June 9. Her grandmother was said to postpone reporting her as missing because she has a history of escaping their home. The military police then found her on June 28 in the San Diego Marine’s barracks; Camp Pendleton.

According to New York Post published report, the girl has learning disabilities and was reported to be entered in multiple missing persons databases. But the case was different this time, as her grandmother expected her to return home after a few days but the girl did not appear.

It was still a mystery when and how the San Diego Marine met the girl but her aunt speculated that her niece was sold to San Diego Marine by a sex trafficker. The aunt also accused the San Diego Marine’s colleagues of attempting to hide the alleged rape and said they should be held accountable. Fortunately, the girl was already brought back to her grandmother.

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San Diego Marine Verdict

As per reports, there will be a preliminary hearing for the San Diego Marine which was set on August 17. The hearing will help the authorities give their verdict to the San Diego Marine if he will undergo a court-martial.

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