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Arkansas Bills Proposed To Redefine Dependents On Income Tax Credits

Income Tax Credits [Photo: Ramsey Solutions]
Income Tax Credits [Photo: Ramsey Solutions]

Three Arkansas bills were proposed to redefine who will qualify as dependents on income tax credits. Read and find out in this article who will qualify this time!

Income Tax Return [Photo: MARCA]

Income Tax Return [Photo: MARCA]

Senate Bill 261

An article on THV11 states that the Senate Bill 261 was proposed by Arkansas Senator John Payton to provide expecting parents with income tax credits for their unborn children. This Arkansas bill would redefine and include unborn children as dependents who parents can claim on their income tax.

To date, to qualify as a dependent in Arkansas, one must be a U.S. citizen, have a relationship with the taxpayer, and most importantly, require support. This Arkansas bill defines that a child could be in any stage of development to become qualified as a dependent.

This Arkansas bill was proposed in January after the state introduced the House Bill 1174. The House Bill 1174 intended to redefine how unborn children are viewed in Arkansas. This bill authorized the prosecution of a person who would cause death to an unborn child.

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House Bill 1398

According to Cox, the House Bill 1398 by Representative Les Eaves increased the state of Arkansas’ income tax credit for stillborn children. The current laws in Arkansas provide residents with a $500 worth of income tax credit for a stillborn child. Fortunately, this Arkansas bill would increase the income tax credit from $500 to $1,500.

House Bill 1299

The House Bill 1299 by Representative Cameron Cooper and Senator Jim Dotson intends to create an income tax credit that is non-refundable for contributions to pregnancy resource centers. This Arkansas bill would provide women with real options during their pregnancy besides abortion.

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