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CNO Franchetti Sets Course with New Warfighting Priorities for the Navy

CNO Franchetti Sets Course with New Warfighting Priorities for the Navy (Photo: US Navy)

Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti recently announced her strategic priorities for the U.S. Navy’s warfighting, warfighters, and foundation. Franchetti presented her proposal at the Surface Navy Association’s annual symposium in Arlington, VA., emphasizing the Navy’s need to link all operations with warfighting to fight effectively. Her ambitious goals include empowering commanders, strengthening recruiting and retention, and boosting public trust in the Navy.

CNO Franchetti Sets Course with New Warfighting Priorities for the Navy (Photo: US Navy)

Franchetti’s primary objective is to imbue the Navy with a warfighting mentality, redefining its approach to conflict readiness and cooperation with allies. Her strategic blueprint also accentuates the imperative of fostering resilient leaders and bolstering recruitment efforts to meet and exceed the Navy’s ambitious goals for the fiscal year. Furthermore, she emphasizes the importance of restoring public trust in the institution while continuing to forge strong partnerships with the defense industry and Congress for sustained support and collaboration.

During her address, Admiral Franchetti underscored the enormous global impact the Navy’s decisions will exert on maritime power dynamics. Drawing parallels to pivotal periods in history, particularly the tumultuous 1930s and 1970s, she highlighted the significance of forward-thinking planning and the imperative to enhance the Navy’s combat capabilities, systematically increasing its readiness and capacity even in peacetime. Her emphasis on learning from preceding leaders’ decisions during analogous challenging periods forms the cornerstone of her forward-looking vision for the Navy.

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In addition to highlighting the Navy’s future trajectory, Admiral Franchetti also conveyed her focus on the lessons learned from the Navy’s past challenges. Emphasizing the struggle faced during the 1930s and 1970s due to aging fleets and constrained budgets, she emphasized how those experiences are relevant to the Navy’s current situation, underscoring the crucial role of strategic planning, modernization, and capacity-building to ensure the Navy’s enduring effectiveness.

Admiral Franchetti‘s unveiling of the new warfighting priorities signals a strategic shift for the U.S. Navy, marking a pivotal moment in redefining its approach to readiness, leadership development, and public trust. With her comprehensive plan, the Navy enters a new era focused on a rigorous warfighting outlook, empowering its leaders, enhancing recruitment, and revitalizing partnerships to fortify its capabilities and global influence.

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