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Xi Directly Informs Biden of Beijing’s Intent to Reunify Taiwan with China: Report

According to NBC News, Chinese President Xi Jinping told Joe Biden at the November APEC conference that China wants to reunify with Taiwan.

Xi Jinping Affirms China’s Intent to Reunify with Taiwan During Summit with Biden

Leaders addressed military communications and fentanyl production. Former and current U.S. officials said Xi publicly stated China’s aim to reunify with Taiwan during a summit meeting. Xi denied that China would reclaim Taiwan by 2025 or 2027, saying Beijing had not established a timeline. Xi again stressed China’s preference for peaceful reunification over a takeover.

Beijing specifically demanded that Biden reject Taiwan’s independence and back China’s reunification plan at the conference. White House denied this request. Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a similar declaration in June after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged him.

China’s provocative air and naval maneuvers near Taiwan and “cognitive warfare” operations to destroy democratic institutions dovetail with Xi’s warning to Biden.

READ ALSO: China’s Xi Receives Standing Ovation From American Business Leaders

Xi Jinping Asserts China’s Taiwan Reunification Plan in Summit with Biden

Sources said Xi was firm but not aggressive despite his forceful words. A U.S. official said Xi’s summit stance on Taiwan was consistent with his previous comments. In reaction to China’s activities, Biden has said the U.S. would support Taiwan if invaded. The White House later explained and retracted some of these claims.

The Xi government has stressed reunification and diplomatic support of the “One China” policy, which has strained relations with Taiwan. China’s military drills and other actions near Taiwan have risen. Rejecting China’s request by the Biden administration highlights the Taiwan issue’s complex diplomatic dynamics and the risk of regional hostilities.

READ ALSO: Xi Told Biden To His Face That Beijing Will Reunify Taiwan With China: REPORT

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