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Ancient Underwater Volcano Linked to Unexplained Earthquakes Off Japan’s Coast

Researchers have found an amazing link between the ancient underwater volcano, and a run of big earthquakes off the coast of Japan that no one can explain. (Photo: Science Time)

Scientists have discovered a mysterious link between the Daiichi-Kashima seamount, an old undersea volcano, and a series of large earthquakes off Japan.

Underwater Volcano

Scientists have discovered a mysterious link between the Daiichi-Kashima seamount, and a series of large earthquakes off Japan. (Photo: LiveScience)

Unearthed Connection: Ancient Underwater Volcano and Unexplained Earthquakes

Researchers have found an amazing link between the Daiichi-Kashima seamount, an ancient underwater volcano, and a run of big earthquakes off the coast of Japan that no one can explain. The seamount, which is on top of the Pacific tectonic plate that is sinking, has been linked to earthquakes of magnitudes 7 to 7.8 that happened in 1982, 2008, and 2011.

The Pacific plate is to the east, the Philippine plate is to the south, and the Okhotsk plate is to the north. These three plates are interacting with each other to cause this effect. It looks like the seamount is no longer there, but because it is so close to the ocean’s top, it can still cause big earthquakes.

The study shows that when one tectonic plate subducts beneath another, the seamounts on the surface of the subducting plate interact with the bottom of the overriding plate. This can cause friction and even hang-ups. These “hang-up” earthquakes, as the experts called them, can cause tsunamis and may have affected the area’s coastlines in the past, as shown by sedimentary rocks found on Japan’s east coast that date back to 1677.

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This study sheds light on how complicated underwater geological action can be and how it might affect earthquakes and tsunamis. It shows how important it is to understand how underground volcanoes behave and how they interact with tectonic plates. It also opens up an interesting way to learn more about Earth’s changing geology.

This work illuminates the complex interaction between underwater geological features and seismic activity, offering light on unexplained earthquakes and tsunami triggers. Understanding these processes is essential for coastal natural disaster preparedness and response. Further research in this area may help us understand Earth’s complicated geology and prevent such catastrophes’ effects on vulnerable communities.

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