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AOC Urges Action into Alleged Supreme Court Corruption: Demands Subpoenas and Investigations

AOC urges immediate action into alleged Supreme Court corruption and demands subpoenas and investigations. (Photo: ABC NEWS)
AOC urges immediate action into alleged Supreme Court corruption and demands subpoenas and investigations. (Photo: ABC NEWS)

In a recent interview on CNN’s State of the Union, United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat from New York, passionately called for congressional action to investigate and address what she perceives as Supreme Court corruption.

In Ocasio-Cortez's view, a range of tools, including impeachment, must be on the table to address instances of misconduct, overreach, abuse of power, and Supreme Court corruption. (Photo: Fox News)

In Ocasio-Cortez’s view, a range of tools, including impeachment, must be on the table to address instances of misconduct, overreach, abuse of power, and Supreme Court corruption. (Photo: Fox News)

AOC Urges Action into Alleged Supreme Court Corruption

Ocasio-Cortez expressed her concerns about recent rulings, such as the overturning of abortion rights and the alleged infringement on LGBTQ rights, which she believes signal a dangerous drift towards authoritarianism and the consolidation of power within the Court or what she calls Supreme Court corruption, a published news article reported.

During the interview, host Dana Bash questioned Ocasio-Cortez on her proposed course of action in the alleged Supreme Court corruption. The congresswoman responded by highlighting several avenues through which congressional oversight could be exercised.

Ocasio-Cortez pointed to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which has begun the process of investigating potential entanglements and conflicts of interest within the Court. She specifically mentioned Justice Samuel Alito’s acceptance of gifts from billionaires who lobbied against student loan forgiveness just prior to a related ruling.

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AOC’s Idea to Address Alleged Supreme Court Corruption

Ocasio-Cortez expressed her belief that if Chief Justice Roberts does not willingly appear before Congress for an investigation, subpoenas should be considered or Supreme Court corruption really exist. She emphasized the necessity of conducting investigations and implementing more binding and stringent ethics guidelines.

In Ocasio-Cortez’s view, a range of tools, including impeachment, must be on the table to address instances of misconduct, overreach, abuse of power, and Supreme Court corruption.

She stressed the need for sufficient oversight to ensure the Court’s legitimacy and to prevent the erosion of public trust in the institution, which she believes is vital for the health of the nation’s democracy.

As Ocasio-Cortez’s call for congressional subpoenas and investigations into the alleged Supreme Court corruption gains attention, it remains to be seen how lawmakers will respond and whether any legislative measures will be introduced to address her concerns.

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