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Up to $400 in Stimulus Check 2023 Arriving in Massachusetts Today!

Stimulus Check 2023 [Photo: Security National Bank of South Dakota]
Stimulus Check 2023 [Photo: Security National Bank of South Dakota]

Up to $400 in Stimulus Check 2023 is expected to arrive in Chelsea, Massachusetts today. In this article, read and find out who qualifies for the stimulus payments!

Stimulus Check 2023 [Photo: CNBC]

Stimulus Check 2023 [Photo: CNBC]

A food and utility subsidy program in the city of Chelsea in Massachusetts is expected to distribute up to $400 in Stimulus Check 2023 today, May 15. To be precise, the payments range from $200 to $400 and will be distributed to 738 households chosen via a lottery system.

According to Notheis, the spokesperson of Chelsea stated the Stimulus Check 2023 would be loaded on a recipient’s debit card that was issued last March. Reportedly, the payments are intended to subsidize the expenses in food and utility. The first Stimulus Check 2023 had already been issued last March 15 and the final payments is expected to arrive today. Unfortunately, after the final payments the program will be discontinued thereafter.

READ ALSO: $4,000 In Stimulus Check 2023 Approved In San Diego– See Who Qualifies!

Who will qualify for the Stimulus Check 2023?

According to Alikpala, to be able to qualify for the Stimulus Check 2023, a household must have resided in the city of Chelsea and earned an income that is 30% below the area median. This means that households with one member must earn below $29,450 and those with two must earn below $33,650.

Consequently, the amount to be received in the Stimulus Check 2023 will depend how many members are there in a household. This means that households with one member will receive $200, while those with two will receive $300. On the contrary, households with three or more members will receive $400.

READ ALSO: Stimulus Dates In 2023: Here Are The Federal Stimulus Programs In Spring

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