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U.S. Aviation Technology Sent to Russia; 2 Americans Arrested For Illegal Export

Aviation Technology [Photo: AZERTAC]
Aviation Technology [Photo: AZERTAC]

Cyril Buyanovsky and Douglas Robertson were arrested for the illegal export of U.S. aviation technology to Russia. The export reportedly violated the U.S. export controls established after Russia invaded Ukraine.

Russia-Ukraine War [Photo: Anadolu Agency]

Russia-Ukraine War [Photo: Anadolu Agency]

Cyril Buyanovsky, 59, and Douglas Robertson, 55, are workers of the KanRus Trading Company which repairs and transports aviation technology. However, Buyanovsky and Robertson allegedly submitted fraudulent export information like invoices that showed Germany as the end destination of equipment with Russia’s Federal Security Services (FSB) stickers.

According to Freifeld, on February 28, 2022, the U.S. Commerce Department ordered a license to export equipment after U.S. officials detained a shipment of aviation technology. However, in the months of May, June, and July, electronics were still illegally shipped through Armenia and Cyprus.

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Illegal Export of Aviation Technology

According to Vacchiano, on March 2, Buyanovsky and Robertson were arrested in Kansas City for illegally exporting aviation technology to Russian officials despite the Russia-Ukraine War. The scheme was in violation of the U.S. export controls that were established after Russia had invaded Ukraine on February 24 last year.

The U.S. export controls are reportedly intended to limit the access of Russia to technology that may benefit its military. The controls originally targeted the defense, aerospace, and maritime sectors of Russia. Eventually, Russia’s sectors in commercial, industrial, and oil refining were also included.

Buyanovsky and Robertson faced charges of smuggling goods contrary to U.S. law, exporting controlled goods without a license, falsifying and failing to file export information, and conspiracy. If convicted, Buyanovsky and Robertson will be sentenced to 20 years in prison for every count of smuggling. The arrests of Buyanovsky and Robertson were announced by Matthew Axelrod, an official of the U.S. Commerce Department at an American Bar Association event held in Miami.

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