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$24 Billion Homelessness Spending Audit: California Governor Faces Tough Questions

(photo: KMPH)

California Governor Gavin Newsom faced tough questions about the state’s handling of homelessness spending audit after a $24 billion expenditure over five years without proper tracking, with Newsom stressing accountability and proposing reforms during a press conference where he didn’t fully address concerns about spending effectiveness despite persistent inquiry.

California Governor Gavin Newsom Faces Tough Questions on Homelessness Spending After Audit Reveals $24 Billion Expenditure Without Tracking

During a press conference, California Governor Gavin Newsom faced tough questions about how the state handles homelessness. An audit showed that California spent $24 billion on homelessness over five years without tracking where the money went. Newsom proposed cuts to various areas, including homelessness programs prompting a reporter to ask if the spending was worthwhile given the lack of progress, according to an article of Independent.

Angela Hart from KFF Health News asked Newsom if his administration evaluated if the money spent on homelessness was effective and if the public might lose faith in the programs due to poor results. Newsom talked about the challenges of local governments having different strategies and mentioned some accountability measures but didn’t directly answer Hart’s questions leading to further inquiry.

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(photo: Publination)

Governor Newsom Acknowledges Homelessness Spending Audit Findings, Stresses Accountability and Reform Efforts

Despite Hart’s persistence, Newsom didn’t provide clear answers but acknowledged that the audit’s findings weren’t surprising. He highlighted efforts to hold local governments accountable for spending and proposed reforms for more transparency. Newsom also mentioned specific initiatives aimed at addressing homelessness and legal actions taken to balance public concerns with the rights of homeless individuals.

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Furthermore, the release of the audit heightened concerns about California’s approach to homelessness. It revealed that only a few programs were assessed for their effectiveness out of more than 30 funded by the state. The lack of comprehensive data raises doubts about whether the substantial spending has made a meaningful impact on homelessness highlighting the need for better tracking and evaluation methods.

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