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$372 Unwanted Texts Payment Compensation Offer from $750K ‘Pizza’ Settlement for Americans- Check It Now!

Eligible Recipients to Benefit from &Pizza’s $750,000 Settlement in Marketing Text Lawsuit

&Pizza’s $750,000 Settlement in the Face of Alleged TCPA Violations

In a legal saga marked by unexpected twists, &Pizza, formerly known as Ima Pizza LLC, finds itself in the midst of a $750,000 settlement following a class action lawsuit. Allegations surfaced that the company overstepped boundaries by bombarding customers with marketing texts, even after they explicitly opted out. The unsolicited messages were claimed to violate the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), leading to a resolution where &Pizza, without admitting guilt, agreed to pay up to eligible claimants.

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$372 Unwanted Texts Payment Compensation Offer from $750K ‘Pizza’ Settlement for Americans- Check It Now! (PHOTO: Washington Business Journal)

Pizza’s Innovative Approach to Compensation Streamlines Process for Affected Consumers

Remarkably, eligible recipients need not scramble for old text message records, as &Pizza’s recorded data will be the basis for determining those entitled to a slice of the settlement. Consumers who had requested to be removed from &Pizza’s text list and still found themselves at the receiving end of promotional messages are now eligible for reimbursement. Under the settlement’s terms, those affected stand to gain some financial compensation, with a substantial . The final act in this legal drama awaits its curtain call at the approval hearing scheduled for March 27, bringing closure to a tale of unwanted texts and a legal remedy.

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