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Unprovoked Stabbing Leaves Suspect’s Life Cut Short.

At a press conference held on the scene on Saturday afternoon, Montgomery County Police Assistant Chief Darren Francke assured reporters that all of the victims, who included three women who had been stabbed in the neck and a man, were likely to survive. With injuries, three people were hospitalized.

The crime, started at a well-known thrift store in Silver Spring, Maryland, and subsequently spread to the neighborhood, Francke claimed the man was armed with a 12-inch butcher knife. Detectives don’t think the suspect knew any of the victims, Francke said, adding that the investigation is still ongoing. The attacks, according to him, “appear completely random.”

“We have witnesses. Although we are still speaking with people, at this point it was an unprovoked attack”, he said.

Around 10:35 in the morning, police were notified of a stabbing at the secondhand shop. According to authorities, a second caller almost immediately reported a second stabbing on a nearby street.

According to Francke, “the suspect stopped from attacking more people” after the officer shot several rounds.

The suspect died on the area.

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