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Wild Glendale Police Chase Ends in Milwaukee Car Crash: Driver Arrested After Pursuit Involving Stolen License Plate!

Stolen License Plate Leads to Car Crash and Arrest

Dangerous GlendaleMilwaukee Pursuit Ends in Car Crash

According to FOX6 News Milwaukee, a wild chase through Glendale ended in Milwaukee causing a big car crash on Saturday May 11. It all started when a Glendale cop tried to pull over an SUV around 4:45 in the afternoon. Why? Well turns out the SUV had a license plate that didn’t belong to it – it was stolen but did the driver stop? Nope! They hit the gas and zoomed away. The chase began and it wasn’t a short one. The SUV raced down Silver Spring Road then turned onto Green Bay Avenue heading south but things got even crazier. To dodge some sharp sticks the cops put in the road to stop the SUV the driver veered into the wrong lane crashing into two other cars. Now here’s the kicker: the driver didn’t stick around. After the car crash they hightailed it out of there on foot but guess what? The cops caught up with them pretty quick. They nabbed the runaway driver who turned out to be a 34-year-old guy from Milwaukee. Now here’s the thing: The license plate was swiped but the SUV itself wasn’t stolen. Still the driver caused a lot of trouble. Thankfully, the Americans in the two cars they hit only had minor injuries. And there weren’t any passengers in the runaway SUV so that’s a relief but hold on the story’s not over yet. The driver’s got some serious explaining to do. The district attorney’s office is looking into charging them with two big offenses: first-degree recklessly endangering safety and fleeing from the police. So what’s the lesson here? Well running from the cops is never a good idea. It puts everyone in danger and in this case it caused a big mess on the road. Let’s hope the driver learns their lesson and everyone stays safe out there

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Wild Glendale Police Chase Ends in Milwaukee Crash: Driver Arrested After Pursuit Involving Stolen License Plate! (PHOTO: WISN)

Risks Highlighted as Pursuit Endangers Public Safety

Moreover, this event shows how dangerous police chases can be. When police chase suspects things can get out of control fast putting not just the people running away at risk, but also innocent Americans. The results of driving recklessly and trying to get away from the police can be really bad as we saw after this chase. It reminds us how crucial it is to follow traffic rules and work with the police to keep everyone on the road safe.

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