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New Stimulus Check How to Confirm the Validity – Separating Fact from Fiction!

IRS and Treasury Debunk ‘Fourth Stimulus Check’ Rumors for Seniors and Disabled

No Fourth Stimulus Check Plans, Confirms IRS and Treasury Amid Online Speculation

Amid a flurry of online speculation regarding a purported “fourth stimulus check” aimed at seniors or individuals with disabilities, both the IRS and Treasury Department have moved swiftly to refute these claims. According to IRS spokesperson Anthony Burke, all Economic Impact Payments have been disbursed, with no plans for further stimulus checks. This clarification emerges as misinformation proliferates online, fueled in part by the expansion of generative artificial intelligence in content creation, as highlighted by McKenzie Sadeghi, AI and foreign influence editor for NewsGuard. A review conducted by AARP has revealed a troubling pattern of false assertions surrounding stimulus checks, tax credits, and Social Security benefits circulating across numerous websites and videos. Claims suggesting imminent stimulus payments and state tax rebates have been unequivocally debunked. NewsGuard’s AI Tracking Center has identified over 700 websites disseminating misinformation with minimal human oversight, raising concerns about the rampant spread of inaccurate content online.

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Navigating Uncertainty: Identifying AI-Generated Content Signals Amid Misinformation

As people traverse this uncertain terrain, Sadeghi emphasizes the necessity of looking for signals of AI-generated content, such as errors, repetitive language, attribution gaps, and a general lack of transparency about information sources. With misinformation on the rise, it is critical for individuals to rely on trustworthy sources like for accurate information about financial relief measures, as well as to remain watchful against the spread of false claims.

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