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Working Parents May Benefit from Proposed Employer Child Care Tax Credit – New Tax Credit Discussion!

Pennsylvania House Finance Committee Discusses Bill for Employer-Assisted Affordable Child Care

Tax Incentive Proposal for Employers Supporting Child Care Expenses Gains Attention in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania families grappling with the challenge of finding affordable child care may soon receive some relief through employer contributions. The House Finance Committee convened to discuss a bill aiming to create a tax incentive for employers who participate in supporting child care expenses. Representative Liz Hanbridge, one of the bill’s co-sponsors, highlighted the pressing need for such support, emphasizing the strain faced by families unable to afford child care, which often leads to career disruptions, particularly for women.

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Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry President Sees Potential Benefits of Employer-Assisted Child Care Bill

Laura Manion, President and CEO of the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry, stressed the potential benefits of the proposed bill. She emphasized that it could assist employers in recruiting and retaining quality candidates who might otherwise struggle to enter the workforce due to child care challenges. Meanwhile, the bill’s potential shift from deductions to tax credits, as suggested by Representative Steve Samuelson, aims to further incentivize employers to support child care costs for their workers. However, while the proposed legislation offers a step forward, child care advocates like Dr. Lesley Spina and Diane Barber caution that it alone may not fully address the complex issues facing the child care industry, including availability, affordability, and workforce retention.

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