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Flat Tax Hopes Fade for Kansans as GOP Bill Bites the Dust in House Vote

Republican Push for Flat Tax Plan Stifled by Governor Kelly’s Veto

Flat Tax Plan Stifled by Governor Kelly’s Veto. (PHOTO: Kansas Reflector)

Kansas Republicans as Tax Plan Stalls in Legislative Deadlock

The Kansas Republicans wanted a flat tax plan but the Democratic Governor Laura Kelly said no and vetoed it according to Kansas City Star. They couldn’t get enough votes to override her veto which means they’re stuck on what to do about taxes. With only six weeks left in the regular session they’re unsure if they can come up with a new tax plan.

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Partisan Divide Persists as Kansas Republicans and Governor Kelly Clash Over Tax Policies

Republicans and Governor Kelly disagree on how to handle taxes. Republicans want one simple tax rate but Kelly thinks that’s not fair and won’t work in the long run. Now, the Republican leader Ty Masterson is thinking about other options because they couldn’t agree on the flat tax idea. Democrats are saying they should mix parts of both plans to help everyone. Lawmakers still want to find a way to cut taxes. Both Republicans and Democrats are willing to talk and find a solution before the session ends. But if they don’t agree, Governor Kelly might call them back for a special session. It’s a tough situation, and they need to figure it out before time runs out.

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