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Top 3 Most Dangerous Cities In Maryland: Hauling 3 Out Of 36 Cities According To Dangerous Index

Most Dangerous Cities In Maryland
Top 3 Most Dangerous Cities In Maryland: Hauling 3 Out Of 36 Cities According To Dangerous Index. (Photo:

Maryland also known as The Old Line State situated in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States is named after Queen Henrietta Maria aka Queen Mary in England. According to World Population Review, it currently has more than six million residents making it one of the busiest and most bustling states in the country. Due to its population, having high crime rates isn’t entirely a concern that can be equated out as there are cities in the state that constitute the top 3 most dangerous cities in Maryland. Note that crime rates in these cities are factored by job scarcity, low wages, a lack of motivation to work, drug issues, gang activity, and proximity to larger cities that might spread their problems into surrounding areas. In case, you are planning to visit Maryland, or you are just simply sparked by curiosity about the most dangerous cities in Maryland, here is our precautionary list of the top 3 most dangerous cities in Maryland that you might put some care and attention to.

 Most Dangerous Cities In Maryland

Top 3 Most Dangerous Cities In Maryland: Hauling 3 Out Of 36 Cities According To Dangerous Index. (Photo: Patch)

Top 3 Most Dangerous Cities In Maryland: The 2023 Outlook

1. Ocean City

Ocean City

The city that tops the cut of one of the most dangerous cities in Maryland is Ocean City. (Photo: MarylandDailyRecord)

The city that tops the cut of one of the most dangerous cities in Maryland is Ocean City. Data has it that it has approximately a million tourists each year which inflated the high crime rates in the city. The city reportedly has the highest property crime rate in Maryland at 10,427, which puts a person in a 1 in 9 chance of being a victim of theft or property damage. Furthermore, it has a total of 1,317 cases of violent crime reported. It might have been possible to decrease these rates if there were fewer attractions in the place.

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2. Elkton


Elkton climbed to the second spot of one of the most dangerous cities in Maryland. (Photo:

Elkton climbed to the second spot of one of the most dangerous cities in Maryland. This city is known as “The Elopement Capital of the East Coast.” with hasty marriages topping the regrettable decisions made in the city aside from the city having the second highest crime rate in the state. It tallied 6,633 cases of property crime rates. It even ranked fourth with the most violent crimes. Violent crime rates were reportedly at 964.

3. Cambridge


Cambridge made it to the third rank of one of the most dangerous cities in Maryland. (Photo: CTVNews)

Cambridge made it to the third rank of one of the most dangerous cities in Maryland. According to the data, it has the highest rate of rapes in 2020, happening once a month. The city faced a total of 5,373 property crime rates and 970 violent crime rates. With the allure of the city’s miles-long boardwalk comes a danger that cautioned everyone to be vigilant as the city was ranked fourth for having the highest property crime rates in the state.

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