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Medicaid Expansion In North Carolina Will Not Begin On October 1 As Originally Planned Due To Budget Delay

Medicaid Expansion In North Carolina
Medicaid Expansion In North Carolina Will Not Begin On October 1 As Originally Planned Due To Budget Delay. (Photo: RelianceMM.Com)

As the General Assembly failed to finalize the state budget for Medicaid expansion in North Carolina, its supposed launch date on October 1 will not be pushed through.

Medicaid Expansion In North Carolina

Medicaid Expansion In North Carolina Will Not Begin On October 1 As Originally Planned Due To Budget Delay. (Photo: KTTN.Com)

General Assembly Failed To Take The “Needed Action” In Medicaid Expansion In North Carolina

Legislators were given until September 1 to sign the state budget for Medicaid expansion in North Carolina, nor submit separate legislation allowing the final authorization to provide health coverage to more than 600,000 North Carolinians, however, with the remaining days left, there’s still clarity that no votes will be taken.

Although the Department of Health and Human Services took all the necessary steps to be prepared for the Medicaid expansion in North Carolina for its original launch date, it comes off as futile as the final authority to move forward with the expansion was dependent on the General Assembly and they weren’t able to do their part.

To date, in March, bipartisan majorities in the General Assembly filed legislation regarding Medicaid expansion in North Carolina, which seeks to provide access to life-changing care for more than 600,000 North Carolinians. However, according to NCDHHS, the NCGA tied Medicaid expansion going live to the enactment of a state budget which was supposedly implemented by June 30.

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Department of Health and Human Services Is Yet To Announce The New Launch Date Of The Medicaid Expansion In North Carolina

Due to the delay in the Medicaid expansion in North Carolina, hundreds of thousands of people were deprived of the access to care they needed the most at the moment. So far, the new launch date of the Medicaid expansion in North Carolina has still not been disclosed as NCDHHS has been waiting for the General Assembly’s final authority, but, according to State Health and Human Services Secretary Kody Kinsley, it could happen as early as December, or “it could slip into 2024.” If ever, the Medicaid expansion in North Carolina will make nearly half of the people eligible and automatically enrolled in full coverage on day one.

READ ALSO: Medicaid Purge: Millions Are Kicked Out Of the Program; Democrats Say It’s Unjust!

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