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3.2 Million Children Could Be Kicked Off The Kindergarten Cliff In September Unless Congress Acts

Childcare Crisis
Childcare Crisis ( Photo: The Century Foundation )

The childcare crisis will get worse as federal pandemic-era stabilization funds expire.

Childcare Crisis

Childcare Crisis ( Photo: Common Dreams )

In Texas and New York, most children may be excluded from participating in programs

A report released Wednesday by the Century Foundation said Congress had given 100 days to prevent more than 3 million children from being in childcare and more than 230,000 childcare workers from losing their jobs. More than 70,000 programs could close, according to a new analysis, which the report said equates to one-third of the programs supported by the American Rescue Plan Stabilization Fund. Congress was working on long-term childcare funding as part of negotiations on a comprehensive spending package called Build Back Better.

Closures across the country could make it difficult for households to find the childcare support they need

Nursery owners and directors say they will respond to the loss of federal funding with a combination of approaches, including higher tuition fees, cut wages, cut employee benefits, and fewer children to care for. The National Early Childhood Education Association conducts regular surveys of childcare facility owners and staff. In the latest survey, conducted in October 2022, 43% of owners and directors said they will need to raise tuition when federal funding ends. While some childcare facility owners are planning to raise tuition fees, others claim that is not an option in certain areas.


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