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Trevor Bauer Denies All Allegations After An Arizona Woman Accused Him Of Sexual Assault

Trevor Bauer
Trevor Bauer Denies All Allegations After An Arizona Woman Accused Him Of Sexual Assault (PHOTO: Forbes)

An Arizona woman accused Trevor Bauer a former major league pitcher of sexual assault, alleging in a lawsuit updated this week that he held a knife at her throat and choked her until she passed out during a rape that left her being conceive in 2020.

Trevor Bauer

Trevor Bauer Denies All Allegations After An Arizona Woman Accused Him Of Sexual Assault (PHOTO: The US Sun)

Trevor Bauer Denies All Sexual Assult Allegations

The former major league pitcher was never arrested or indicted and he has countersued, disowning the allegations and accusing the woman of faking a pregnancy and trying to extort money from him.

However, Trevor Bauer denies the allegations according to Bauer’s co-agents, Jon Fetterolf and Rachel Luba on Wednesday.

AP News reported that for over two years the woman had been demanding million-dollar against Bauer prompting him to file a criminal complaint against her. Trevor Bauer, countersuit stated that he had one consensual sexual encounter with the woman in 2020. Bauer said that the woman had claimed that she was pregnant and demanded $1.6 million to abort the baby.

Bauer said that he refused all the money that the woman had demanded, but he offer the woman help to support her decision towards her pregnancy and pay any medical costs, as well as child support. According to Bauer’s lawsuit statements he end up settling $8,761 for the expenses related to the woman’s reported pregnancy and its subsequent abortion.

On Tuesday, the woman said in an updated complaint she filed that she decided not to continue aborting the baby, but she end up having a miscarriage.

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Trevor Bauer Claimed That The Woman Was Just Trying To Extort Money

Wednesday, Scottsdale Police Officer Aaron Bolin confirmed that Bauer filed a criminal complaint on January 24 claiming that the woman just want to extort money from him, but detectives did not recommend charges to Maricopa County prosecutors. Bolin said there were also no charges suggested after the woman filed a complaint against Bauer on December 20, alleging a sexual assault two years before.

In an updated civil suit by the woman who accused Bruse as a sex predator his week in Maricopa County Superior Court, said that he e first sued the former Cy Young Award winner in December, and Bauer countersued in April.

Bauer was suspended by Major League Baseball after a woman he met in San Diego alleged that he had beaten and sexually rape her in 2021. He denied all allegations and claimed that anything that happened between them was consensual.

The Los Angeles Dodgers released Bauer’s suspension when his ban was over and no team picked him up. He now plays in Japan.

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