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10 Summer Tips: Here’s How To Keep Your House Cool and Be Kind to the Environment!

10 Summer Tips
10 Summer Tips: Here's How To Keep Your House Cool and Be Kind to the Environment! (PHOTO: Evapolar)

During the scorching summer months, keeping your house cool while being environmentally conscious might seem like a challenging task. However, with these 10 summer tips, you can achieve a cool and eco-friendly home environment, according to the Good Living website.

10 Summer Tips

10 Summer Tips: Here’s How To Keep Your House Cool and Be Kind to the Environment! (PHOTO:
Berger Paints)

Consider These Summer Tips

1. Change Your Lightbulbs: Outdated incandescent lightbulbs can contribute to heat buildup so one of the summer tips is changing your lightbulbs. Switch to energy-saving bulbs like LEDs to reduce heat emissions and save on energy costs.

2. Choose Cotton: Opt for breathable cotton fabrics in both clothing and bedding. They allow better airflow, keeping you cooler during hot nights so consider this as one of the summer tips.

3. Hack a Fan: One of the summer tips is to transform your fan into a makeshift air cooler. Place a bowl of ice in front of the fan to create a refreshing mist, effectively lowering the ambient temperature.

4. Chill Out, Not Chill On Another one of the summer tips is instead of relying solely on air conditioning, employ cooling techniques like sipping cold beverages, using damp cloths on pressure points, or taking cold showers to keep your body temperature down.

5. Hang Out in the Evening: Open up your windows during the cooler evening hours to naturally ventilate your home. Take advantage of the evening breeze and consider outdoor cooking to avoid heating your indoor space.

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Other Summer Tips

6. Close Doors and Seal Gaps: Seal gaps around windows and doors to prevent cool air from escaping and warm air from infiltrating. For evaporative air-conditioners, strategic door and window openings can enhance airflow, so consider this as one of the summer tips.

7. Adjust Ceiling Fans: Properly adjust ceiling fan rotation based on the season. In summer, set them to rotate counter-clockwise to create a cooling breeze so consider this as one of the summer tips.

8. Just 1oC More: If using an air-conditioner, set the thermostat between 24-27oC to minimize energy consumption. Each degree you raise can reduce your appliance’s energy usage by about 10%, so consider this as one of the summer tips.

9. Block the Heat: Preventing heat from entering your home is as important as cooling it down. Use exterior window coverings, plant shade-providing trees, and invest in window tinting and insulation.

10. Close Your Blinds: Keep blinds, especially on sun-facing windows, closed during the hottest parts of the day. Consider blackout curtains to further shield your home from intense sunlight.

By implementing these summer tips, you can create a comfortably cool living space, conserve energy, and contribute to a greener environment.

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