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Missing Titanic Submarine; What the Crew Heard While Searching?

Missing Titanic Submarine
Missing Titanic Submarine; Crew Heard Banging Noise While Searching (PHOTO: WKYC)

The search for the missing Titanic submarine, which vanished while en route to the wreckage of the historic ship, continues as crews report hearing noises in the search area, CBS News reported.

Missing Titanic Submarine

Missing Titanic Submarine; Crew Heard Banging Noise While Searching (PHOTO: NBC News)

Search For The Missing Titanic Submarine

The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed that Canadian search planes detected underwater sounds on Tuesday, prompting intensified efforts to determine their origin. Coast Guard Capt. Jamie Frederick stated that the team is actively searching the area where the noises were heard, using remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs).

Additional ROVs are en route to join the search operation, further enhancing the search capabilities.

The exact nature of the noises remains unknown, posing a challenge for the search team. Carl Hartsfield of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution explained that the noises have been described as banging sounds, but identifying their source underwater proves difficult.

However, the team remains optimistic and committed to exhaustively analyzing the available data and patterns to enhance their search efforts.

The disappearance of the submarine on Sunday prompted a massive response from the United States and Canada. There are five vessels conducting surface searches, with the number expected to double within the next 24 to 48 hours. The search area has expanded significantly and now covers an underwater region approximately twice the size of Connecticut, with depths reaching up to 2.5 miles.

Despite the challenges, Capt. Frederick emphasized the ongoing hope and determination in this search and rescue mission. While the submarine was initially estimated to have around 40 hours of breathable air, no new estimate was provided during the briefing.

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Missing Titanic Submarine

Frederick emphasized that the remaining oxygen level was just one aspect being considered, and the primary focus remained on locating the submarine and its crew.

While search and rescue missions can sometimes face setbacks, Frederick expressed that they have not reached that point yet. Every available asset is being deployed to locate the missing submarine and its crew. The Coast Guard remains fully committed to the search operation, utilizing all resources at their disposal.

As the search effort enters its third day, the dedicated teams involved are hopeful for a positive outcome. The combined efforts of the U.S. and Canadian authorities aim to locate the Titanic submarine and its crew, leaving no stone unturned in their determined pursuit.

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