Up to $300 weekly checks were approved by the California Senate on Tuesday and voted to pay unemployed illegal immigrants, despite the state’s $31.5 billion deficit and mass illegal immigration, Washington Examiner reported.

Up to $300 Weekly Checks Approved By California Senate For Unemployed Illegal Immigrants (PHOTO: Free Beacon)
$300 Weekly Checks
With a 30-7 vote, Senate Bill 27 of Sen. Maria Elena Durazo was passed by Democratic state senators. This legislation would provide illegal immigrants up to 20 weeks of unemployment benefits if they meet the minimum work qualifications.
Employers in California are now on the hook for the $20 billion debt fund as the California Democrat’s strict COVID-19 lockdowns have threatened and devastated heavy small restaurants and businesses.
The $300 weekly checks will be dispensed by California’s unemployment insurance fund.
Under Senate Bill 27, officials of the unemployment fund are not allowed to get or contact past or present employers of the claimants to verify their job status and also their social security number.
On the other hand, claimants would self-attest that they meet the requirements for eligibility for the weekly checks. Acceptable documentation is receipts for commuting, transaction logs on payment apps, and tax returns.
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Weekly Checks In California
According to New York Times, when President Biden lifted the Title 42 health order that restricts immigration, Mayor Todd Gloria of San Diego complained that his city lacks the resources in addressing the influx of migrants.
The State Senate passes the bill months after Gov. Gavin Newson states that undocumented migrant influx could break California.
Many groups that are Democratic-aligned lobbying groups supported the passage of the bill including powerful labor unions, environmental organizations, LGBT, and immigration.
The decision is now in the hands of Gov. Newsom. He has not said yet whether he will sign the bill or not. Remarkably, Gov. Newsom vetoed a similar bill that establishes an unemployment insurance pilot program for undocumented workers.
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