A guaranteed income program worth $800 direct payment every month will be available to selected residents of Palm Springs, California, and there are only six days left before they can receive it.

Worth $800 From Guaranteed Income Program Will Be Coming On Your Door Steps in Six Days (PHOTO: The US Sun)
$800 From Guaranteed Income Program
The guaranteed income program is an 18-month pay that is scheduled to be released to those eligible residents on May 15. Queer Works and DAP Health are y nonprofit organizations and they are the reason for the guaranteed income program that runs in Palm Springs, California, which selected 30 recipients only in the month of March.
According to Queer Works, the eligible residents of the guaranteed income program will be free to spend their monthly payments with no strings attached.
Here’s How To Be Eligible Of The Guaranteed Income Program
Washington Examiner reported that starting on March 15 the guaranteed income program application will be opened and the deadline is on March 25. The selected recipients of the program were already informed regarding their selection on March 30.
In order to be eligible for the guaranteed income program, applicants must have an income below 30 percent of the median income of Riverside County, which is equal to $16,600.
Moreover, the most important part is the applicants should be clients of either Queer Works and/or DAP Health and be regarded as primary residents of Palm Springs.
Furthermore, residents are also asked to partake in a study by Queer Works, which will involve surveys taken each month. The data from this program will be completed and available every six months and the final report is expected in the winter of 2024.
Meanwhile, the funding of the program which is Queer Works described as universal basic income, comes in the form of $500,000 from the city of Palm Springs.
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