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Secure Your Tax Refunds: Expert Guide to Responding to Identity Verification Letters- Check It Now!

Idaho Tax Commission’s Vigilance Thwarts Millions in Tax Refunds Fraud

Idaho State Tax Commission Thwarts Identity Theft, Urges Swift Response to Verification Requests

Over 2,400 letters were sent out by the Idaho State Tax Commission last year requesting identity verification. This assisted in preventing the theft of nearly $30.1 million in fraudulent tax refunds by identity thieves. Chairman of the Tax Commission Jeff McCray stated that it is critical to apprehend these offenders and guarantee that truthful taxpayers receive their refunds on schedule. It’s critical that you reply as soon as possible to these letters so that they can verify your identification before issuing your refund.

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Secure Your Tax Refunds: Expert Guide to Responding to Identity Verification Letters- Check It Now! ()PHOTO: Local News 8)

Tax Commission Urges Prompt Response to Identity Verification Letters

Before receiving one of these letters from the Tax Commission, many consumers are unaware that their personal information has been compromised. Before making any refunds they thoroughly review each person’s tax forms to ensure they are accurate. You must respond immediately if you receive one of these letters in order for them to complete the refund processing. If you received a letter but did not submit your taxes it may indicate that your identity was stolen. You should immediately seek assistance from the Tax Commission. They’ll assist you in determining the best course of action to safeguard your data and halt further fraud.

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