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Mental Health Event For Black And Brown Communities Conducted By Newburgh Residents

Mental Health Event
Mental Health Event For Black And Brown Communities Conducted By Newburgh Residents. (Photo: CNN)

A record says that 10.3% of African American youth were having a mental health episode while Latinx/Hispanics experienced the same circumstance at 6.4%. To address mental health issues and raise awareness among Black and Brown people, Newburgh residents threw a mental health event centering on self-love.

Mental Health Event

Mental Health Event For Black And Brown Communities Conducted By Newburgh Residents. (Photo:

Mental Health Event Led By Love and Hall

According to data, one in three African Americans who need mental health help actually receives it, but how about those who don’t have anyone or any means to help them cope with such problems? That is when mental health events come into the equation. Fortunately, Newburgh residents led by Remadee Love, a musician, a certified mindset coach, a neurolinguistic programmer, and also a teacher for years highlighted the importance of mental health by filming a presentation during a mental health event for Black and Brown People.

In the mental health event, Love stressed mental health struggles. According to her, the fact that people grow up in several situations might affect their self-esteem which in turn affects how one person views their capabilities and what they can achieve in life. The mental health event wanted to make people realize that there’s much greater than what their current surroundings tell them.

The mental health event was deemed beneficial for the general, as a 2017 report, African American female high school students were 70% more likely to attempt suicide than compared to white female classmates. Love said that the mental health event wished to make people aware of their negative mind patterns until such time they were replaced by positive thoughts that would help them become the greatest version of themselves.

Keisha Hall, a co-creator of the mental health event, also shared a similar goal to that of Loves. According to Hall, the mental health event hoped to allow people to know themselves more by realizing their purposes and walking with faith to achieve those purposes. After all, Hall said that it’s how people feel about themselves that they will be able to have the confidence and perseverance to pursue their purposes in life.

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Mental Health Event Details

The mental health event happened on Sunday, September 17, at 245 Liberty Street in Newburgh City. One hundred percent of the ticket sales were aimed to be donated to Newburgh Performing Arts Academy, an organization for the youth in Newburgh helping art programs.

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