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A top Harris and Emhoff assistant will be proposed by Biden to represent the United States at UNESCO

President Joe Biden has chosen second gentleman Doug Emhoff, a top adviser to Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband, to represent the United States at the UN institution devoted to global education, research, and culture. (Photo: Politico)

Recently, the U.S. re-joined the U.N. after a five-year pause brought on by Donald Trump, Biden’s immediate predecessor in the White House, the Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.


President Joe Biden has chosen second gentleman Doug Emhoff, a top adviser to Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband, to represent the United States at the UN institution devoted to global education, research, and culture- UNESCO. (Photo: CTV News)

Doug Emhoff has been selected by President Joe Biden to represent the United States at the United Nations

In a report from POLITICO, a senior adviser to Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband, second gentleman Doug Emhoff, has been selected by President Joe Biden to represent the United States at the United Nations institution dedicated to global education, research, and culture- UNESCO.

Courtney O’Donnell has been chosen by the Democratic president to serve as the country’s ambassador-level permanent representative to the Paris-based UNESCO, according to a White House official who spoke on the record on Monday under the condition of anonymity to discuss the nomination ahead of a formal announcement.

O’Donnell presently has two positions: interim chief of staff for Emhoff and senior adviser to Harris. She contributes her experience to a number of national and international concerns, such as gender equity and combating anti-Semitism, which is a primary concern for Emhoff, who is Jewish.

O’Donnell also served as Jill Biden’s communications director while she served as Joe Biden’s running mate and Barack Obama as president. O’Donnell assisted Jill Biden in promoting community colleges and bringing attention and support to American military families.

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According to her official bio, she has significant expertise building international alliances, public affairs, and strategic communications as a result of holding key positions in two presidential administrations, nonprofit and philanthropic organizations, national political campaigns, and the private sector.

O’Donnell most recently supervised Airbnb’s international connections.

Ron Klain, a former White House chief of staff, said O’Donnell is respected by coworkers everywhere.

O’Donnell worked with Cathy Russell in the second lady’s office, and according to Russell, she is adept at forging international alliances, inventing social impact campaigns, and offering strategic advice on a variety of subjects.

The first lady went to a ceremony in late July at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris where the American flag was raised to symbolize Washington’s official reentry into the United Nations. According to Russell, everyone who knows Courtney knows that she is dedicated to the value of global engagement and strengthening American leadership around the world. agency following the Republican-initiated absence. She discussed the value of American leadership in protecting cultural heritage and advancing science and education around the world.

The 193 member states of UNESCO approved the United States’ entrance after the country declared its willingness to rejoin the body in June. The ceremony officially recognized the United States as the agency’s 194th member and flag owner.

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