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President Vladimir Putin Delivers Speech on Constitutional References Amid Ukraine Situation: Deceptive Echoes

Putin talks of Russia as a multicultural paradise. (Photo: CNN)

Unveiling Rhetoric: President Vladimir Putin delivers speech on Russia’s “Multicultural Paradise”

President Vladimir Putin delivers speech at the Luzhniki Stadium. (Photo: CNN)

Following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin delivers speech at the Luzhniki Stadium. In his address, Putin began by echoing the words from the Boris Yeltsin-era Constitution of the Russian Federation: “We, the diverse people of the Russian Federation, united by a shared destiny on our soil.”

In an article published by Euro News, the phrase “We, the diverse people of the Russian Federation, united by a shared destiny on our soil” serves as the opening line of the Boris Yeltsin-era Constitution of the Russian Federation. President Vladimir Putin used these very words to commence his speech at the Luzhniki Stadium on March 18, 2022, shortly after President Vladimir Putin delivers speech launching a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

In today’s Russia, much like in other autocratic regimes, laws often take a backseat to the decisions of those in power. Quoting the foundational documents of the nation, as President Vladimir Putin delivers speech did, can come across as performative rather than genuine.

The laws often serve as a disguise, hiding the real oppressive deeds done by those in power, including instances when President Vladimir Putin delivers speeches.

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The Multinational People Concept in Contemporary Russia: A Complex Blend of Ideologies

The phrase “multinational people” holds a significant political meaning in modern Russia, linking to a complex mix of contradictory ideas. This policy reflects the diverse nature of President Vladimir Putin’s domain. It presents a simplified version of the USSR’s project to create a new Soviet identity, which aimed to supersede traditional ethnoreligious collectives.

President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech that often highlights this concept. This approach marked a departure from the Russian Empire’s policies, where ethnic and religious differences corresponded to varying levels of political and economic rights.

However, even with this new approach, the Soviet system engaged in persecution and differentiation among citizens based on ethnic and cultural characteristics.

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