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Winter Weather Myths Busted: Experts Answer the Question of Why People Get Sick in the Cold

Girl and Boy Winter Cold Myths (Photo: Google)

Bathing or going outside in the cold are still considered unhealthy. Other fallacies include that drinking will keep you warm and that you don’t need water in the winter. Mothers and other anxious relatives disseminate these tales.

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Winter Cold Myths (Photo: Google)

Experts like Dr. Jeffrey Linder debunk 12 cold weather fallacies. They blame low humidity and staying inside for disease in winter, not the cold.

Myth #1: Bugs and sick people inside create illness, not cold weather.

Myth #2: Winter swimming isn’t cooler; activity strengthens.

Myth #3: Winter swimming doesn’t increase the danger of ear infections; it’s the same as summer.

Myth #4: Layering warm clothes keeps you comfortable in windy or rainy weather.

Myth #5: Alcohol makes you feel cold, which is harmful.

Myth #6: Snow reflections increase UV radiation, thus you need sunscreen year-round.

Myth #7: Your head loses only 10% of its body heat.

Myth #8: Falling through ice doesn’t cause hypothermia; you may drown first.

Myth #9: Eating snow fast lowers core body temperature, thus trapped people shouldn’t.

Myth #10: Cold weather requires staying wet to prevent thirst.

Myth #11: Cold weather is safe for exercise, but ice places are not.

Myth #12: Find out what causes headaches—cold doesn’t make them worse.

Health professionals point out neglected concerns, such as heart attacks while snow shoveling, along with cold weather fallacies. Dr. Lichfield stresses that many healthy people have had heart attacks during this sport due to the abrupt heart rate increase without warm-up and the arm strain from the needed arm motions. Recognizing these dangers is essential for cold-weather health.

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