Alamogordo – A 46-year-old homeless man, Esteban B. Ojeda Jr., has been charged with aggravated battery after allegedly attacking another man with a baseball bat in Alamogordo on Tuesday, Dec. 24. Ojeda, arrested and held at the Otero County Detention Center, faces charges of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. He was also served a bench warrant for failure to comply with conditions of release.
According to court documents obtained by KTSM, officers responded to a welfare check at an AutoZone parking lot at 215 N. White Sands Blvd., where they found 51-year-old Dean Ahidley with a large wound on his forehead above his left eye. The injury appeared to be consistent with a gunshot wound, though further investigation ruled out a gunshot. Ahidley was transported to a hospital in El Paso.
Officers soon identified Ojeda and another man, David Maillelle, who were also at the scene. Ojeda denied involvement, but police noted that he was covered in blood and appeared to have been in an altercation. Maillelle, who spoke with officers, explained that the three men, all homeless, had been drinking alcohol at their campsite west of the AutoZone. Maillelle described a scuffle between Ojeda and Ahidley after the latter made a comment about their campsite.
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After the altercation, Maillelle heard Ojeda say something to the effect of “I got him” or “I showed him,” though Maillelle did not witness Ojeda using a gun. However, Maillelle confirmed that Ojeda had previously threatened others with a baseball bat.
A search of the campsite, authorized by a 12th Judicial District Court search warrant, revealed signs of a struggle and a large amount of blood. Police found Ahidley’s cell phone, as well as the baseball bat, which had blood on it, though the blood was not conclusively identified. After examining the bat under alternative light, the police found materials consistent with bodily fluids, but the fluid could not be confirmed as blood.
A physician treating Ahidley at the hospital confirmed that the victim’s injuries were consistent with blunt force trauma, likely caused by a baseball bat, though the official cause of injury was not provided.
Ojeda remains in custody awaiting further proceedings.