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International Outcry Over US and UK Airstrikes in Yemen – Iranian, Russian, and Turkish Leaders Condemn Military Action

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There has been widespread international outcry following US and British airstrikes on Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. Targeting an airbase, airports, and a military camp, the coordinated military operation comes in response to previous missile and drone attacks in the Red Sea by rebels from Yemen, ostensibly in support of Gaza in the midst of Hamas-Israel disputes. De-escalation and the restoration of stability in the Red Sea region are the foremost objectives of the United States and its allies.

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Iran Leads Swift Condemnation

Iran immediately condemned the nocturnal airstrikes, as did its allies. The military operation was sharply denounced by Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani, who described it as arbitrary, against international law, and an infringement on Yemen’s sovereignty.

Kanaani issued a warning, stating that these assaults would increase regional instability and insecurity while drawing attention away from the current hostilities in Gaza. He pleaded with the world community to step in and stop the problem from getting worse.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, joined the chorus of condemnation, calling the attacks “disproportionate” and raising fears about how the Red Sea would turn into a bloodbath. Erdogan expressed misgivings about the motivations behind the military involvement and stressed the necessity of using force in a reasonable manner.

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Russian Opposition and Global Concerns

Speaking on behalf of Russia, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov reiterated views of illegitimacy about the assaults, raising questions about their adherence to international law.

The terror organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, which are a component of the so-called axis of resistance, have also denounced the strikes. Beijing has called on all parties to stop the crisis from getting worse, while Washington has claimed that Iran is deeply involved in the Houthi marine attacks.

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