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You Could Fit 120 School Buses Inside This California Tree That’s Older Than Ancient Rome

General Sherman, Sequoia National Park

Standing quietly in California’s Sequoia National Park is a living giant that was already ancient when Rome fell. James Wolverton discovered this giant sequoia in 1879, and it has lived through more than 2,000 years of Earth’s history.

Meet General Sherman: the biggest tree on Earth, and probably the most massive living thing you’ll ever see.

This Ancient Tree is Still Growing

The amount of wood in General Sherman is enormous. 52,508 cubic feet in total, making it the biggest single-trunk tree alive today. Its trunk weighs about 6,167 tons, and its biggest branch is as thick as a car is wide at 6.8 feet across.

Each year, the tree grows bigger by adding wood equal to a normal 50-foot tree. Scientists who study the tree’s growth rings have found that it keeps growing steadily, even though it’s thousands of years old.

The Tree’s Roots Cover More Than an Acre

Under the ground, General Sherman’s roots create an impressive network that’s surprisingly shallow at 14 feet deep but covers more than an acre of land. These roots connect with nearby sequoia trees, helping them all stay strong when powerful winds blow through the forest.

During summer, the roots take in nearly 500 gallons of water every day to keep the tree healthy. Though not very deep, this root system has kept General Sherman standing straight for over two millennia, barely leaning at all.

It’s Naturally Fire Resistant

Over its long life, General Sherman has lived through a number of forest fires because of its special defenses. The tree’s bark grows up to two feet thick and contains natural chemicals that help it resist fire.

During periods of severe wildfire risk, firefighters wrap the base of the General Sherman tree and other sequoias with fire-resistant material to provide extra protection against intense heat.

The Branches Are Sky High

The highest of General Sherman’s branches stretches hundreds of feet into the sky, though many old branches have fallen off over time. When branches fall off naturally, it helps the tree stay balanced while supporting a crown that spreads 106.5 feet wide.

The lowest branch starts at 130 feet up, which is higher than a 12-story building.

Heavy Snow is Nothing to General Sherman

General Sherman can handle snow with its exceptionally thick bark, which can be up to 3 feet thick. This bark acts as insulation, protecting the tree from extreme temperatures and the harsh conditions of winter.

The Water System is Just as Impressive

The tree has an impressive system for moving water from its roots to its highest branches, lifting 486 gallons every day in summer. Inside the trunk, the pressure is 15 times stronger than the air around us.

Special cells in the wood push water up 274 feet through a combination of forces that’s 17 times stronger than normal air pressure. This system keeps all 637,200 cubic feet of living wood healthy.

How Scientists Found the Tree’s Age

While we can’t count all of General Sherman’s rings without harming it, scientists have studied 48 fallen sequoias of similar size to estimate its age. By testing the oldest parts of the tree they could reach, they found it started growing the late Bronze Age.

This means the tree began its life during the time of the Roman Empire, about 2,300 years ago. Scientists have also learned about climate patterns by studying the rings of nearby fallen sequoias.

Bugs Can’t Penetrate Its Defenses

Inside General Sherman’s cells are special tools that fix damaged DNA and help the tree stay healthy. The heartwood contains unique substances that prevent rot for thousands of years.

The tree produces three times more protective compounds than other trees, and its growing layer makes special sap that keeps away almost all the wood-eating insects.

Living Through Climate Changes

General Sherman has survived major shifts in climate, including warm periods from 950 to 1250 CE and cold periods from 1300 to 1870 CE. Even during severe droughts, like one between 1496 and 1510 CE when rain decreased by 76%, the tree kept growing.

The patterns in its growth rings tell us how weather has changed over 2,000 years, helping scientists understand how old trees adapt to different climates.

How the Park Protects the Tree

Since Sequoia National Park was created in 1890, rangers have worked to keep General Sherman safe. They maintain a protected area around the tree and conduct careful fires every 6 to 8 years to keep the forest healthy.

Twenty-four sensors in the soil monitor the tree’s environment, and experts check its stability every three months. The success in protecting this tree has helped save sequoia forests around the world.

The post You Could Fit 120 School Buses Inside This California Tree That’s Older Than Ancient Rome appeared first on When In Your State.

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