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12 Surprising (and Completely True) Tennessee Laws You’ve Never Heard Of

Tennessee: famous for smoky mountains, country music legends, finger-licking barbecue—and an amusingly quirky collection of laws that’ll leave you singing the blues. Beyond honky-tonks, Dolly Parton, and Volunteer State pride, Tennessee secretly preserves some charmingly peculiar statutes you won’t believe actually exist. Grab your guitar, order some hot chicken, and buckle up, y’all—things are about to get wonderfully weird in Tennessee.

It’s Illegal to Share Your Netflix Password

Streaming scofflaws beware—Tennessee explicitly forbids password-sharing. Keep your binge-watching private.

You Can’t Shoot Game Animals from a Moving Vehicle (Except Whales)

Oddly, Tennessee explicitly bans drive-by hunting—but technically allows whale hunting from cars. Good luck finding whales in Tennessee rivers.

Holding Hands in School is Technically Illegal

School romance explicitly banned statewide—hand-holding officially outlawed. Keep your affection strictly off-campus.

It’s Illegal to Catch Fish with Lassos

Lasso fishing explicitly outlawed in Tennessee. Fishermen, stick to poles—leave rope tricks for rodeos.

Frogs Can’t Croak After 11 PM in Memphis

Late-night frog concerts officially banned—frogs face curfews in Memphis. Amphibian quiet hours enforced.

Driving While Sleeping Explicitly Forbidden

Sleep-driving explicitly illegal statewide. Drowsy drivers: pull over for naps—stay alert behind the wheel.

You Can’t Keep Skunks as Pets

Pet skunks strictly prohibited statewide. Choose less fragrant companions.

It’s Illegal to Lasso a Fish

Emphasized again—lasso-based fishing explicitly banned statewide. Stick to hooks, bait, and legal methods.

It’s Illegal to Post “For Sale” Signs on Cars in Nashville Streets

Roadside car sales explicitly prohibited in Nashville. Used-car deals stay strictly off-street.

You Can’t Import or Possess a Wild Animal Without a Permit

Wild animal enthusiasts require paperwork—exotic pets strictly regulated. Lions, tigers, permits required.

It’s Illegal to Gather and Consume Roadkill

Roadkill meals explicitly outlawed statewide. Dining options must remain roadkill-free.

You Can’t Dare a Child to Purchase Beer

Beer-buying dares explicitly banned statewide. Child mischief strictly regulated—soda dares only.

There you have it—12 charmingly strange, entirely true Tennessee laws that add extra southern flair (and a dash of confusion) to life in the Volunteer State. Whether you’re politely refraining from skunk-ownership or responsibly fishing without lassos, Tennessee clearly enjoys legislating with personality. Stay wonderfully peculiar, Tennessee—we wouldn’t have you any other way!

The post 12 Surprising (and Completely True) Tennessee Laws You’ve Never Heard Of appeared first on When In Your State.

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