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12 Surprising (and Completely True) North Carolina Laws You’ve Never Heard Of

North Carolina: the Tar Heel State, famous for barbecue rivalries, picturesque mountains, sandy Outer Banks beaches—and a surprising collection of laws odd enough to make you say, “Bless their hearts.” Beyond the sweet tea, southern hospitality, and endless basketball pride, North Carolina quietly holds a treasure trove of hilariously peculiar laws. Grab your pulled pork sandwich, sit back on the porch, and prepare yourself—things are about to get delightfully weird in North Carolina.

It’s Illegal to Sing Off-Key

In North Carolina, singing off-key is technically illegal. Karaoke nights just got serious—pitch perfect, please.

You Can’t Use Elephants to Plow Cotton Fields

Dreaming of farming with elephants? North Carolina explicitly forbids pachyderm-powered cotton plowing. Stick to tractors.

It’s Illegal to Borrow Your Neighbor’s Dog

Borrowing your neighbor’s pooch without permission? Officially banned. Dog borrowing etiquette matters here.

Bingo Games Can’t Last More Than Five Hours

Marathon bingo sessions? North Carolina limits bingo games to five hours. Short and sweet (B-4 things get wild).

You Can’t Rollerblade on State Highways

Highway rollerblading in North Carolina is explicitly outlawed. Keep your skating strictly local and off-highway.

It’s Illegal to Serve Alcohol at Bingo Games

Bingo plus booze equals trouble—North Carolina officially prohibits alcohol at bingo halls. Games stay dry and orderly.

No Riding Bicycles Without Both Hands on the Handlebars

Hands-free bike riding? Technically illegal statewide. North Carolina demands strict cycling discipline.

You Can’t Visit Graveyards After Midnight

Late-night graveyard strolls? Illegal in North Carolina. Cemeteries close at midnight—ghosts only after hours.

It’s Illegal to Steal Grease

North Carolina officially bans grease theft (yes, grease theft). Fry cooks, guard your used oil carefully.

Dogs and Cats Can’t Fight Publicly

Pets behaving badly in public? Officially illegal. Animal arguments must remain strictly private.

No Swearing on Public Highways

Road rage cursing? Technically outlawed. North Carolina prefers polite highway conversations.

You Can’t Drive Through Cemeteries for Pleasure in Dunn

Cemetery joyrides explicitly banned in Dunn. Graveside cruising is officially off the menu.

There you have it—12 delightfully strange, entirely true North Carolina laws that showcase the state’s quirky southern charm. Whether you’re carefully singing on key or respectfully rollerblading off-highway, North Carolina clearly loves to legislate with personality. Stay wonderfully peculiar, North Carolina—we wouldn’t have you any other way!

The post 12 Surprising (and Completely True) North Carolina Laws You’ve Never Heard Of appeared first on When In Your State.

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