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This “Battle Born” Boomtown Funded The Union, Inspired Mark Twain, and Gave America’s Its 36th State

The Birthplace of the “Silver State”

Virginia City, Nevada, sits on a mountainside where miners struck it rich in the 1800s, finding so much silver that it helped the North win the Civil War. Mark Twain got his start as a writer here, and today you can still visit the old saloons, mansions, and mines that make this one of America’s best-preserved Gold Rush era boomtowns.

Virginia City was founded after the discovery of the Comstock Lode in 1859

Miners Peter O’Riley and Patrick McLaughlin discovered one of the largest silver ore deposits ever found in the United States, known as the Comstock Lode, in Six Mile Canyon. This discovery led to a massive influx of miners and prospectors, causing Virginia City to quickly grow from a small settlement to a bustling mining town.

Prospectors named the city after James Finney, also known as “Old Virginny” or “Old Virginia” Fennimore, one of the early prospectors in the area. By 1861, Virginia City housed more than three-fourths of the Nevada Territory’s population.

It helped Nevada become the 36th state

The wealth from Virginia City’s mines, particularly the silver used to finance the Union during the Civil War, helped push for Nevada’s statehood.

Nevada became the 36th state of the United States on October 31, 1864, just five years after the Comstock Lode discovery, earning the nickname “Battle Born” because it was admitted during the Civil War.

Virginia City once had a population of 25,000 at its peak

The city’s population ballooned in the 1870s during the height of mining activities. It was incredibly diverse and included immigrants from Ireland, China, and other parts of Europe and Asia.

During this period, Virginia City boasted 6 churches, over 100 saloons, several schools, and was considered the largest industrial center between Denver and San Francisco.

Famous writer Mark Twain was a reporter in Virginia City

Samuel Clemens, which you may know as Mark Twain, was a reporter for the Territorial Enterprise newspaper in Virginia City. It’s where he first used his famous pen name in February 1863.

His time in Virginia City inspired many of his writings, including his semi-autobiographical travel book “Roughing It.”

Virginia City was nearly destroyed by a massive fire in 1875

The Great Fire of 1875 began in the early morning of October 26. Someone knocked over a coal oil lamp in a boarding house on A Street. The fire devastated 33 blocks of Virginia City, including the entire downtown district and key structures such as St. Mary in the Mountains Catholic Church and the Storey County Courthouse.

The fire caused an estimated financial loss of around $7,000,000 and left about 3,000 residents homeless. After that, they started constructing more fire-resistant brick buildings. You can still some of them today.

The city is home to the historic Virginia and Truckee Railroad

The Virginia and Truckee Railroad, often called the “Queen of Short Lines,” is one of the most historic railroads in Nevada.

William Sharon and his partners from the Bank of California incorporated the Virginia and Truckee Railroad on March 5, 1868. Nicknamed the “V&T,” it was built to transport ore from the mines between Virginia City and Carson City, later extended to Reno in 1872 to connect with the Central Pacific Railroad.

By 1950, operators had formally abandoned the V&T Railroad. Today, you can hop on this steam locomotive on a 24-mile round trip from Carson City to Virginia City, including a 3.5-hour stopover in Virginia City.

Virginia City is now a National Historic Landmark

Virginia City became a National Historic Landmark in 1961 as one of the most intact gold rush era towns in the West. The Virginia City Historic District includes over 400 buildings from the city’s mining heyday, most of which date back to the 19th century.

It’s one of only eight National Historic Landmarks in the state of Nevada, which also includes the Hoover Dam and the Nevada Northern Railway.

Celebrates its Old West heritage all year long

Virginia City holds several quirky annual events such as the International Camel and Ostrich Races, the World Championship Outhouse Races in October, and the Rocky Mountain Oyster Fry as part of the St. Patrick’s Day festivities.

Period costumes and reenactments are huge parts of these events. Piper’s Opera House also holds concerts, plays, and themed parties throughout the year.

The “Silver State” Nickname Came from Virginia City

The Comstock Lode produced more than $600 million in both silver and gold, equivalent to billions of dollars in today’s currency. This established Nevada’s reputation as the “Silver State,” with some of the richest mining barons of the time making their fortunes in Virginia City.

The Bucket of Blood Saloon

Owners established the Bucket of Blood Saloon in 1876 and you can still grab a pint in there today.

The name supposedly comes from a bloody brawl that occurred during its early days. The saloon features original 19th-century decor and antiques and has been featured in numerous films and television shows.

Virginia City is 6,200 feet High on Mount Davidson

Virginia City sits on the highest point in the Virginia Range at 7,864 feet. This made early mining and construction efforts challenging.

Now though, it means you get some of the most gorgeous panoramas in Nevada.

The post This “Battle Born” Boomtown Funded The Union, Inspired Mark Twain, and Gave America’s Its 36th State appeared first on When In Your State.

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