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If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Idaho Too Long

Idaho might be famous for potatoes, but its place names are a real test for newcomers. With a mix of Native American, French, and frontier influences, some of these words look nothing like they sound. If you can pronounce them all without hesitation, you’re either a true Idahoan—or you’ve been lost in the backcountry for way too long.

14 Words Only True Idahoans Can Pronounce

Boise (BOY-see)

If you say “Boy-zee,” pack your bags, you’re not from here.

Coeur d’Alene (Core-duh-LANE)

French settlers left their mark, but locals have simplified things.

Kuna (KYOO-nuh)

It’s not “Kuh-nuh.” Get it right before you visit.

Weiser (WEE-zer)

Not “Way-ser.” Even Idahoans don’t know why.

Owyhee (Oh-WHY-hee)

Named after Hawaiian fur trappers, but you’d never guess that from looking at it.

Pocatello (Poke-uh-TELL-oh)

If you say “Poke-a-tello,” you might as well leave now.

Shoshone (Show-SHOWN)

It’s not “Show-shone,” and arguing will get you nowhere.

Nez Perce (Nezz PURSE)

The French might cry, but this is how Idahoans say it.

Moscow (MOSS-co)

This ain’t Russia; drop that final “w” sound.

Arco (AR-ko)

Small town, big claim to fame: first place powered by nuclear energy.

Kamiah (KAM-ee-eye)

Looks easy, sounds tricky.

Burley (BURR-lee)

If you know it, you probably have strong opinions on potatoes.

Salmon (SAM-un)

Say that “L,” and you’re getting kicked out of the state.

Pend Oreille (Ponder-AY)

Fancy French spelling, pure Idaho pronunciation.

If you got all of these right, congratulations—you’ve officially earned the right to call out outsiders when they say “Boy-zee.” You know that fry sauce is a superior condiment, you’ve been stuck behind a slow driver on Highway 55, and you’ve probably used the phrase “Idahome” unironically. For everyone else, just nod, smile, and maybe practice before asking for directions.

The post If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Idaho Too Long appeared first on When In Your State.

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