Florida is known for its beaches, bizarre news stories, and place names that make absolutely no sense to outsiders. Thanks to a mix of Spanish, Indigenous, and just plain weird influences, saying certain names correctly is a skill only true Floridians have mastered. If you can get through this list without hesitation, you’ve definitely spent too much time dodging tourists and hurricanes.
14 Words Only True Floridians Can Pronounce
Florida (FLAHR-uh-duh)
If you say “Flore-EE-da,” you might as well pack your bags.
Miami (My-AM-ee)
Not “Mee-ah-mee.” That’s how they say it in Ohio.
Kissimmee (Kuh-SIM-ee)
If you say “KISS-uh-mee,” Mickey Mouse will personally escort you out.
Okeechobee (Oh-kee-CHOH-bee)
Looks intimidating, but locals know it’s all about the bass—both kinds.
Micanopy (Mick-uh-NO-pee)
If you say “Mike-a-nope,” you’re officially banned from Gainesville.
Apalachicola (Ap-uh-latch-uh-CO-luh)
If you can’t say it, you don’t deserve its oysters.
Alachua (Uh-LATCH-you-uh)
This one separates the Floridians from the snowbirds.
Tallahassee (Tal-uh-HASS-ee)
You should know this one, but we’re including it just in case.
Palatka (Puh-LAT-kuh)
Not fancy, not complicated—just don’t overthink it.
Hialeah (High-uh-LEE-uh)
The traffic here is worse than the pronunciation.
Chattahoochee (Chat-uh-HOO-chee)
Sounds fun, but it’s also where Florida sends the “interesting” folks.
Loxahatchee (Lock-suh-HATCH-ee)
Bonus points if you’ve actually been there.
Wewahitchka (Wee-wuh-HITCH-kuh)
If you can say it, you’ve probably fished there.
Yalaha (Yuh-LAH-hah)
Don’t worry, most Floridians haven’t even heard of it.
If you got all of these right, congratulations—you’re a certified Floridian. You know that flip-flops are acceptable year-round, you’ve dodged an alligator at least once, and you’ve accepted that Florida Man is just a way of life. For everyone else, just smile, nod, and let the locals do the talking.
The post If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Florida Too Long appeared first on When In Your State.