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If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Colorado Too Long

Colorado is known for its breathtaking mountains, unpredictable weather, and a tendency to pronounce things in a way that confuses everyone else. Whether it’s a Native American name, a Spanish word we’ve completely butchered, or a mountain town that only locals know, saying these names wrong is a dead giveaway that you’re not from here. But if these roll off your tongue effortlessly, congratulations—you might just be a true Coloradan.

14 Words Only True Coloradans Can Pronounce

Colorado (Call-uh-RAD-oh)

Not “Call-uh-RAH-do.” If you say it wrong, prepare for judgment.

Buena Vista (Byoo-nuh VIS-tuh)

It should be Spanish, but locals insist otherwise.

Poudre (POO-der)

Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but that’s just how it is.

Uncompahgre (Un-come-PAH-gray)

If you can say it without hesitating, you’ve earned mountain cred.

Louisville (LEWIS-ville)

Don’t even try to say it like Kentucky’s “LOO-uh-vul.”

Saguache (Suh-WATCH)

Absolutely nothing about this is spelled how it sounds.

Cache la Poudre (Cash luh POO-der)

French speakers, look away—it’s been fully Coloradanized.

Manitou (MAN-uh-too)

If you didn’t hike the incline, did you even visit?

Gypsum (JIP-sum)

Not hard to say, but you’ve probably never heard of it unless you live here.

Eldorado (El-duh-RAD-oh)

Just like the state name—Coloradans refuse to say it the “correct” way.

Niwot (NYE-watt)

Extra points if you know about Chief Niwot’s curse.

Paonia (Pay-OWN-yuh)

Not “Paw-knee-uh.” This is farm country, not Parks and Rec.

Gunnison (GUN-uh-sun)

If you don’t know where this is, you probably don’t ski much.

Salida (Suh-LIE-duh)

Spanish pronunciation? We don’t do that here.

If you read through this list and didn’t even pause, you’re a true Coloradan. You know that “14er” isn’t just a number, you’ve spent too much money on outdoor gear, and you have strong feelings about transplants moving in. For everyone else—just point at the map and let a local do the talking.

The post If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Colorado Too Long appeared first on When In Your State.

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