Experts say the Biden administration’s favorable connections with China have not delivered much benefit. Critics question the policy’s efficacy since the U.S. has not capitalized on China’s meager concessions.

Biden’s China strategy ‘detrimental’ as ‘international system is breaking down,’ experts say (Photo: Google)
U.S. Gains Time with China Appeasement, but Limited Benefits
China analyst and Gatestone Institute senior scholar Gordon Chang says the U.S.’s main success is gaining time. He said the administration’s appeasement of China has given the U.S. a momentary reprieve. At the same time, it struggles to defend itself and its friends. Chang emphasizes that the technique takes time and yields limited benefits.
President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping’s face-to-face discussions and agreements on military communication and fentanyl are emphasized. Despite these diplomatic efforts, opponents like Chang say the government has not done enough to address significant issues like the COVID-19 epidemic and the fentanyl problem, both connected to China.
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan describes the Biden administration’s focus on rivalry with China without conflict. Managing competition responsibly and strengthening diplomacy to avoid mistakes are his priorities. Skeptics, notably Chang, criticize the government for not acting more on crucial concerns.
The Biden administration’s response to China’s spycraft invading U.S. airspace and Taiwan’s air defense identification zone incursions is covered. The government has concentrated on military drills with regional allies and improving ties with Australia, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan rather than conflict.
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Avoiding “Appeasement” Label, but Concerns Persist
Matt McInnis, a senior scholar at the Institute for the Study of War’s China program, cautions against calling the administration’s stance appeasement. McInnis acknowledges the administration’s robust actions but worries about its reluctance to offend China.
Chang and others say the administration’s “strategic ambiguity” undermines the international system. The strategy fluctuates between backing the One China Policy and arming Taiwan, making America’s position unclear. This apparent soft touch with China encourages bad actors all over the world, which exacerbates tensions between Iran and Pakistan.
In conclusion, the tale highlights doubts about the Biden administration’s China approach. The U.S.’s approach to pursuing collaboration with China has yet to yield significant advances, and critics question the administration’s reluctance to address problems and assertively preserve American interests abroad.
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