A new guaranteed income program will be open starting next month and eligible recipients will receive $500 in monthly payments.

$500 From New Guaranteed Income Program Will Be On Your Way Soon (PHOTO: Colorado Spring Gazette)
The New Guaranteed Income Program
The new guaranteed income program will provide payment to support households with at least one child and is being funded by a $22 million commitment from Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Rise Cambridge was the title of the program that will provide $500 once a month for 18 months in total, giving recipients a total of $9,000 overall.
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The Applications Of The Program Will Now Open On June 1
Starting on June 1 to July 31 the new guaranteed income program will start accepting applications that will be approved on a rolling basis.
The Washington Examiner reported that to be eligible for this new guaranteed income program, applicants should be a resident of Cambridge or Massachusetts.
Moreover, you must be at least 18 years old and have at least one person in your household below 21 years old. Additionally, the household must have an income at or lesser than 250 percent of the federal poverty level.
The income depends on how many people live in a household. To be eligible a household of two should earn less than $49,300 a year, while a household of three will be eligible if the annual income will not excited $62,150, with the income limit increasing with every member of the household.
Additionally, when receiving the monthly payments, recipients should participate in the surveys voluntarily or they must document their affairs during the program. These surveys will depend, those who do partake in them are expected to be compensated for the time they put into these surveys.
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