In a devastating incident in Oklahoma, a 44-year-old mother named L. Henckel is now facing serious legal repercussions after the tragic passing of her...
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In a devastating incident in Oklahoma, a 44-year-old mother named L. Henckel is now facing serious legal repercussions after the tragic passing of her...
A 16-year-old New Mexico teenager, Diego Leyva, has been charged with the murder of four family members, according to the New Mexico State Police....
The New York City Police Department is currently seeking to identify an individual who is suspected of inappropriately touching a teenage boy in the...
Emmett Acosta, who was reported missing, has been located safe and sound in Park City, according to the Wichita police. The Wichita Police Department...
In a shocking incident that has left the community in Indiana devastated, a 13-year-old boy has been charged with murder after the tragic shooting...
In a tragic event in Indiana, a 49-year-old mother named J. Wilson has admitted to her role in the death of her 10-year-old adopted...
Scouted selects products independently. If you purchase something from our posts, we may earn a small commission. Before I worked in the beauty industry,...
OAKLAND, Calif. (TCN) — A family’s decades-long search for a relative is over after they were reunited with the family member, who was kidnapped from...
A 6-year-old California boy who was kidnapped from an Oakland park by a woman offering to buy him candy has been found more than...
NewsFeed Video shows German police chasing a 10-year-old boy carrying a Palestinian flag who ran, visibly afraid, when officers approached him during a protest...