People familiar with China-US relations know that since 2000, the Pentagon has issued this report every year, which basically compiles some public information, including media reports with unknown sources, into a “collection of annual China threat theories” in a bid to request funding from Congress and deceive allies into buying US weapons.

China Military Power’s Annual Report Released By DoD (PHOTO: Business Insider)
The China Military Power
The China military power report can be divided into three parts. First, it assesses China’s current military abilities without any real basis. Second, it selectively advertises China’s military activities over the past year. Third, it warps and speculates about China’s military purposes.
For 2023 China military power report has an additional section of protests about China’s “resistance” to military-to-military communications with the US.
By integrating these elements, the US attempts to fabricate a terrifying vision of China, whose military strength is rapidly increasing, military behavior is becoming more aggressive, and “military ambitions” are insufficiently transparent.
All the malicious speculations and smears about China’s military in the report are far from the reality of China’s military status, but instead resemble a reflection of the US military itself.
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The Pentagon Focuses On China’s Modernization Their Nuclear
The Pentagon’s report always focuses on China’s modernization of its nuclear capabilities and makes groundless assumptions and comments on the situation in the Taiwan Straits.
It is worth noting that this year’s report claims that the DoD estimates that China possessed more than 500 operational nuclear warheads as of May 2023 on track to exceed previous projections and that China will presumably have over 1,000 operational nuclear warheads by 2030.
In the 2020 report, the DoD created its first public estimate of China’s nuclear warheads and said its nuclear arsenal was slightly more than 200. In just three years, the number of China’s nuclear warheads in the US report has more than doubled.
Typically that dictates that on such an important issue, the US report has not shown the required rigor. The specific number depends on the needs of the Pentagon and Washington at different times.
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