A Teddy Bear Was Left In A Local Business’ Parking Lot By A Man Before It Explodes. The Police Led An Investigation And Obtain A Search Warrant After Obtaining The Identity And Location Of The Home Of The Man.

Exploding Teddy Bear Contains Ghost Gun And Meth, Police Say. (Yahoo News)
Teddy Bear Explodes In A Parking Lot In California.
A video was released by San Bernardino police wherein a man was seen in a parking lot in a local market leaving an object on the ground before it explodes, later identified to be a teddy bear. Which lead them to arrest the man who is believed to be possessing illegal drugs and weapons, the police then obtain a search warrant to search a local home.
They found evidence which includes a ghost gun, methamphetamine, illegal fireworks, and paraphernalia used for making illegal drugs and explosives. The man was charged with several felony but his identity was not released nor his purpose of destroying the teddy bear.
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