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U.S.-China Influence War: America Needs Industrial Strategy To Win Against China, Experts Say

U.S.-China Influence War [Photo: Reuters]
U.S.-China Influence War [Photo: Reuters]

U.S. President Biden recently signed an executive order that curtailed high-tech investments in China. Reports say the order reflected a bipartisan consensus that the U.S. should not be helping China amidst the influence war between both countries.

U.S.-China Influence War [Photo: Stimson Center]

U.S.-China Influence War [Photo: Stimson Center]

Earlier in August, U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order that curtailed the country’s high-tech investments in China. Reports say this executive order reflected a bipartisan consensus that the country should not be helping China in the strategic industries amidst the influence war between them.

According to an article in Foreign Affairs, despite the executive order being effective, the decrease in high-tech investments must only be a part of a broader strategy to prevent China’s pursuit of global domination amidst the influence war.

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Strategies to Win Influence War

An article in The National Interest states that China uses elite capture and economic leverage to dominate in the political influence war. Reports say China deploys information operations and exports authoritarian governance to advance the national and global interests of Beijing.

This suggests that the more successful China becomes in dissolving the democracy around the world, the easier it can undermine the interests of the U.S. and replace the country as the global superpower.

Amidst the influence war, the U.S. needs a strategy that combines political economy and hard power resources with a vigorous campaign to oppose China by strengthening the democratic resilience around the world.

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