Amid a politically charged August news cycle driven by Donald Trump‘s attempts to dominate headlines, political news beyond the Republican Party‘s internal turmoil seems to be moving at a slower pace. However, media outlets are finding a remedy to this lull by focusing their attention on President Joe Biden‘s economy approval ratings, Daily Kos reported.

Amidst Trump’s Efforts, Biden’s Economy Approvals Have Turned Media Spotlight On! (PHOTO: PBS)
Biden’s Economy Approvals
As the 2024 Republican frontrunner navigates his way through public scrutiny, Democrats are not exempt from their own set of concerns. While Biden’s economy approval ratings in handling the economy may be underwhelming, a closer examination of Civiqs‘ economic indicators provides a more nuanced picture.
Polls indicate that Biden’s economy handling of the economy is not garnering strong support from voters. With a 20-point deficit in Civiqs’ tracking, only 36% of voters view his performance positively, while 56% express dissatisfaction, leaving 8% undecided.
However, support for Biden’s economy infrastructure plan tells a different story. The plan, which encompasses areas such as transportation, energy, housing, schools, manufacturing, internet, and community healthcare, enjoys 55% support and 30% opposition, putting Biden 25% above water.
Notably, Biden’s economy efforts to create new jobs have also seen an improvement in public perception. While his approval stood at 36% in November 2021, it has now climbed to 41%, with 50% responding affirmatively. This upward trend indicates a growing belief that Biden is actively working to generate employment opportunities.
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Biden’s Economy Overall Job Approval Rating
Perceptions of the overall economic direction remain bleak, with only 26% believing in improvement, 16% seeing stability, and 55% sensing deterioration. Yet, these numbers have gradually improved since spring, indicating a shift in public sentiment.
Biden’s economy overall job approval rating is also on an upward trajectory, with 40% approval, 52% disapproval, and 8% undecided. As the economy continues to recover and improve, it’s likely that this rating will further solidify.
While Biden‘s economy handling still faces skepticism, voters seem to be embracing the positive aspects and the general trajectory. With the optimal window for Biden’s reelection prospects approaching next year, a strengthening economy could become a significant factor in his favor, provided economic improvements resonate with voters in a palpable way.
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